Have you ever wondered how far the power of community can reach? At the Joint Research Centre, we've witnessed first hand the incredible impact that a connected community of bright minds can achieve.  Some of the brightest minds across the world have been employed by the JRC, contributing to groundbreaking research and innovation that shapes our future.

Empower collaboration, foster connections, and drive lifelong learning among JRC alumni worldwide to inspire growth, facilitate knowledge exchange, and promote collective impact in diverse fields.

Knowledge Sharing 

Facilitate Active Engagement
Expertise Exchange 

Job Opportunities

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As a member of the JRC Alumni Platform, you're part of a vibrant community of researchers, scientists, and innovators. Whether you're a current or former JRC staff member, or engaged with the JRC in any capacity, we invite you to join us in fostering collaboration and pushing the boundaries of science and technology.

By registering with us, you gain access to networking opportunities, stay updated on the latest research developments, and participate in exclusive events and projects. Your expertise and experience are invaluable assets that can inspire future generations of researchers and contribute to the collective progress of science.

Join us today to explore the limitless possibilities that the power of community can offer!

"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success." — Henry Ford